3 Year Epic Selfie - Around the World in 360° Degrees - Part II
Alex Chacon, the #EpicSelfieGuy does it again creating the most Epic, Crazy, Interesting, Dangerous, and Amazing Selfie in the World. He...

Selfie + Drone = Dronie --- Epic Dronies in Veracruz Mexico
Alex Chacón, the creator of the “Most Epic Selfie Video of 2014”, has taken the selfie game to a whole new level. He traveled to Veracruz...

Marrakech Morocco - A cultural ride through North Africa on a C90 Scooter through
Join Alex Chacon on his most recent adventure through Morocco to continue the experience of the Modern Motorcycle Diaries driving around...

500 Days Alaska to Argentina - The Modern Motorcycle Diaries Viral Video
Alaska to Argentina in 500 Days, the sights and roads of a motorcycle journey, a one man video documentary of the craziest, most...